México: When Christmas starts, anarchy ends...

Text we translated recently from contra info



received on December 18th, 2016:
Politics begin where anarchist ethics end

It was only a few years ago, on December 13th, 2013, when some hooded ones burned the Christmas tree located on Avenida Reforma[1]. This action took place during manifestations against subway ticket hikes, that tragically ended between the reform and recuperation by NGO’s and governmental agencies of social welfare; however at the same time these occassions witnessed spontaneous actions, autonomous organization and sabotage from the oppressed and exploited. After this symbolic anti-capitalist act, one friend still remains in prison accused of setting the Christmas tree sponsored by Coca-Cola on fire. The -symbolic- burning of the tree from Coca-Cola, wasn’t just meant as an attack against the symbol of North American[2] capitalism, but also as an attack against the culture of consumerism, an attack against religious traditions imposed by those who believe they’re the owners of the world, an attack on patriarchy, against power and all religious and moral authority.


México: 50 anarchist cells at war against capitalism and the state

la quemada

A text we translated from Contralínea By Zósimo Camacho on October 16th, 2016 about ongoing anarchist activities there.

- stalkingtheearth


In México there is an ongoing anarchist insurrection, with 50 groups and cells at war with the State and capital. The seriousness of the "black threat" has caused the National Risk Agenda [1] to give it priority attention, ahead of the red guerrillas[2], with only drug trafficking and social uprisings given a higher priority.


2k16: A somewhat best of music videos

leaving the past behind us"

Now that the new year is upon us, let's take a look back at some of the music that got us through the days and continue to warm the fires as we move into the new year. Below are six music videos and two videos simply with music. For the curious all of the YouTube videos have privacy enhanced mode enabled. Please feel free to leave a comment (we turned anonymous comments back on) of your favorite music videos from this past year, as we're always curious to hear what is out there.


Vamo pa G

hasta la pasta, pa siempre

Today, I awoke to see that Fidel Castro had passed away at 90 years of age. Some years ago, I found myself living in La Habana, Cuba when Fidel was still running things. Here is a quick story about this photo.


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Review: Genesee River Rebellion

The Genesee River Rebellion(GRR) is a new quarterly publication from the Rochester Black Rose Anarchist Federation. It's a large 4-page newspaper with 6 articles of varying length that we picked up for free from the distribution bin inside a local Rochester restaurant. There was a stack full of copies placed in the distro and it appears that there are stacks of this paper around a handful of local establishments for the curious reader to find. There also appears to be a subscription based model along with some other perks for those that signed up via the GoFundMe page, which accordingly raised around $1,500 of a $2,000 goal for printing costs, etc. Aesthetically, the local publication looks nice and it was exciting to find an anarchist newspaper circulating around in hand on our way to get some food. On the other hand, there are also some gripes about the publication and the ideas behind it. Below is a brief review of the new publication, along with some shared experiences from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.


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